Thursday, April 9, 2009

One Day At Old Town Jakarta

It has been a month I didn’t update my blog. The one and only reason is only I’m lazy enough to update my blog. I think I’m not a kind of person who loves to writing and making a blog is only because I love to read my friends blog, and I think it must be fun if I also make my own blog. And the result is I’m not updating my blog frequently…

OK then, just want to share my experience about exploring an Old Town at Jakarta.

Leehom’s Taiwan Fans Base, HOM2usic is having a project for Leehom’s birthday this year. They asked all Leehom’s fans base from other country to make a video recording and wishes Happy Birthday to Leehom in their own language. Then we decided to make the recording at Old Town Jakarta.
So, last Saturday, I woke up earlier cos we have to make the recording at the morning before the Old Town being crowded of the visitor.
I went to busway shelter at Jalan Panjang with Ingrid, met up with Anett there and reached the Old Town at around 9.30. That was my first time being there, and I was amazed that Jakarta has that place.
As usual, there were only 6 of us (me, Anett, Ingrid, Lia, Renny and Jutin) gathered there, I didn’t know where are the other OHI member at Jakarta.
We finished the video recording at 10.30 and started the Museum tour. Only 3 of us (me, Anett and Lia) left and join the museum tour. The first museum we entered was Museum Fatahillah. The scary thing was this museum has the dungeon and it was so dark.
After finished the tour at Museum Fatahillah, we continued our journey to Museum Bank Indonesia. This was the most comfort museum cos it has air conditioner and the cleanest one between 3 museums that we visited. And the last museum we visited was Museum Bank Mandiri. This museum was looks so old and a bit spooky for me hihi.. I saw a lof of old machine that was used in the banking industry a long time ago.
And we started starving after finished the tour haha.. It’s almost 13.30 and we haven’t had our lunch. So we decided to go to CL and had our lunch there and I reached my boarding house at about 17.00.

Well, it was fun to explore the Old Town, moved from 1 museum to other museum. And I think I should go there again to visit Museum Wayang and Museum Keramik haha..

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Taman Anggrek was not that close...

Yesterday, I went to Taman Anggrek (TA) cos my friend offered me to have dinner at Platinum TA. So I rushed from the office at about 6.30pm and arrived at TA about 1 hour later. The traffic was so crowded, even better than the day before yesterday which I needed 2 hours to reach my boarding house (At the normal condition, I only need 1 hour to reach my boarding house).
Last night was the first day of Java Jazz 2009 Festival and maybe a lot of people were going to JCC to attend that event, so the traffic was not too bad haha..

Since my friend still on her way when I arrived at TA, I decided to go to Metro cos it's having a big sale, even I think the sale wasn't that BIG. And I bought 1 shirt that I can wear it with my new blazer. Hopefully the shirt won't be too tight cos I picked the S size :p

After met my friend and had our dinner at Platinum, we decided buy Chewy Junior and watch the ice hockey match at Sky Rink. After the match was over, we went back to our boarding house by taxi. And we trapped by the traffic jam near Kemanggisan Cafe. We thought it was caused by the crowd at Kemanggisan Cafe but we're wrong. There were fires near Apartemen Kemanggisan and police blocked our way so we had to find out alternative way to reach our boarding house. So I asked the taxi driver to go through Jalan Panjang. And thanks God, finally we reached our boarding house, but it cost more expensive T_T we usually pay about Rp. 15.000,- to Rp. 20.000,- but last night, we had to pay Rp. 40.000,- >.<

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hati-hati penipuan

Kemaren pagi, orang rumah gw dibikin rusuh sama oknum tak bertanggung jawab. Telpon ke rumah ngaku2 sebagai polisi dan ngabarin klo ade gw yg cowo kecelakaan dan ada di ICU RSCM. Trus ngasi nomor HP dokter, yang katanya namanya dokter Sulaiman. Minta supaya nyokap hubungin dokter itu biar ade gw yg katanya kecelakaan bisa langsung ditanganin.

OMG. Siapa sih yg ga panik dikabarin kaya gitu. Nyokap uda panik bgt, apalagi pas sendirian di rumah. Waktu ditanya nomor saudara yang bisa dihubungi di Jakarta, akhirnya dikasilah nomor HP gw ke oknum itu. Thanks God, karena gw kebanyakan nomor, nyokap kasi nomor yang belakangan lagi ga gw aktifin.
Tau-tau aja bokap telpon dan bilang ade gw gpp. Yah bingunglah gw, emang kenapa. Baru deh diceritain klo ada yang coba ngeboongin. Aduh.. untungnya ade gw bisa langsung dihubungin. Jadi ga sampe kena tipu. Karena katanya uda banyak yang ditipu gitu, diminta transfer uang sebesar berapa belas juta segala. Emang jaman sekarang kudu ati2 sebelum bertindak, orang makin pinter aja, modus penipuannya uda beraneka rupa, macam dan ragam hehe..

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thanks to Security @ Debenhams Senayan City

Jarang banget handphone yang ilang bisa ditemuin lagi. Apalagi yang punya HP juga ga ngerasa klo HPnya ternyata uda ga ada di tasnya lagi.
Cerita berawal dari reuni kecil-kecilan di Senayan City bareng 5 orang temen-temen kuliah hari Sabtu kemaren, abis makan di Kiyadon, kita jalan-jalan ke berbagai macem toko, cuma buat liat2, nyoba2in, tp ga beli hehe...
Setelah cape keliling-keliling, akhirnya nongkrong di Starbucks, mayan deh.. lagi ada promo buy 1 get 1 buat Cardholder BCA. Tiba-tiba HP salah satu temen gw (pake inisial aja yah, sebutlah IA) ditelpon sama temen gw yg lain (CE). Pdhal duduknya sebrang2an gitu lohh. Yah ga diangkat lah sama IA, karena dipikir paling HPnya CE di dalam tas, kepencet aja ga sengaja. Tapi ternyata HPnya ga ada di tasnya CE. Ilang.. raib..ntah di mana dan kapan ilangnya juga ternyata si pemilik HP ga inget.
Setelah coba hubungin lagi nomor HPnya si CE yg GSM, krn CDMAnya jadi busy dan ga bisa dihubungin, akhirnya IA berhasil ngomong sama yang ngangkat telpon, yang ternyata security di Debenhams.
Langsung aja pasukan cewe-cewe ninggalin Starbucks dan langsung ke tempat yang dimaksud sama bapak Security. Ga susah nemuin security-nya, begitu sampe di lt. 2 Debenhams, kita langsung nemu security, dan setelah isi formulir *ga tau deh formulir apaan, ga sempet ngintip* HPnya CE dibalikin, utuh tak kurang satu apapun.
Salut dan thanks banget buat yang nemuin ntah pengunjung Debenhams, atau Security-nya yang nemuin sendiri.
God Bless you, si penemu HP :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Music-Man Malaysia concert

Music-Man will rock Malaysia on May 2, 2009. I was so excited, shaking and can't think clearly when my friend informed this happy news. This has been my dream since Music-Man kick off concert on September 2008. Besides, this will be my first trip Malaysia. But I think this will be purely Leehom's trip because I can't stay longer in Malaysia.

The ticket order deadline was only 3 days after I got this information, and I made the fastest decision ever that I will go there and buy the VVIP ticket.
Well, still have 3 months to go.. 3 months to prepare everything, include listening to Leehom's song everyday

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

First Posting

Finally, I created my blog after thinking the blog's name for a couple days. I chose 生命的礼物, the title of Leehom's book that contains his story during his Laos trip. That title just came up in my mind while I was thinking about my blog’s name. And I can’t think the other name.
Hopefully I will update this blog frequently :)