Saturday, March 7, 2009

Taman Anggrek was not that close...

Yesterday, I went to Taman Anggrek (TA) cos my friend offered me to have dinner at Platinum TA. So I rushed from the office at about 6.30pm and arrived at TA about 1 hour later. The traffic was so crowded, even better than the day before yesterday which I needed 2 hours to reach my boarding house (At the normal condition, I only need 1 hour to reach my boarding house).
Last night was the first day of Java Jazz 2009 Festival and maybe a lot of people were going to JCC to attend that event, so the traffic was not too bad haha..

Since my friend still on her way when I arrived at TA, I decided to go to Metro cos it's having a big sale, even I think the sale wasn't that BIG. And I bought 1 shirt that I can wear it with my new blazer. Hopefully the shirt won't be too tight cos I picked the S size :p

After met my friend and had our dinner at Platinum, we decided buy Chewy Junior and watch the ice hockey match at Sky Rink. After the match was over, we went back to our boarding house by taxi. And we trapped by the traffic jam near Kemanggisan Cafe. We thought it was caused by the crowd at Kemanggisan Cafe but we're wrong. There were fires near Apartemen Kemanggisan and police blocked our way so we had to find out alternative way to reach our boarding house. So I asked the taxi driver to go through Jalan Panjang. And thanks God, finally we reached our boarding house, but it cost more expensive T_T we usually pay about Rp. 15.000,- to Rp. 20.000,- but last night, we had to pay Rp. 40.000,- >.<

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hati-hati penipuan

Kemaren pagi, orang rumah gw dibikin rusuh sama oknum tak bertanggung jawab. Telpon ke rumah ngaku2 sebagai polisi dan ngabarin klo ade gw yg cowo kecelakaan dan ada di ICU RSCM. Trus ngasi nomor HP dokter, yang katanya namanya dokter Sulaiman. Minta supaya nyokap hubungin dokter itu biar ade gw yg katanya kecelakaan bisa langsung ditanganin.

OMG. Siapa sih yg ga panik dikabarin kaya gitu. Nyokap uda panik bgt, apalagi pas sendirian di rumah. Waktu ditanya nomor saudara yang bisa dihubungi di Jakarta, akhirnya dikasilah nomor HP gw ke oknum itu. Thanks God, karena gw kebanyakan nomor, nyokap kasi nomor yang belakangan lagi ga gw aktifin.
Tau-tau aja bokap telpon dan bilang ade gw gpp. Yah bingunglah gw, emang kenapa. Baru deh diceritain klo ada yang coba ngeboongin. Aduh.. untungnya ade gw bisa langsung dihubungin. Jadi ga sampe kena tipu. Karena katanya uda banyak yang ditipu gitu, diminta transfer uang sebesar berapa belas juta segala. Emang jaman sekarang kudu ati2 sebelum bertindak, orang makin pinter aja, modus penipuannya uda beraneka rupa, macam dan ragam hehe..